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Implementation of knockoff with MMD and HSIC. Paper submitted: Feature screening with kernel knockoffs by Benjamin Poignard, Peter Naylor, Hector Climente-Gonzales and Makoto Yamada. Accepted in AISTATS 2022. If you use our code, please cite the above paper.

Reproducible results


Follow the official documentation to install Nextflow.

Set up nextflow.config file

Nextflow's power is that it allows one to run a scientific pipeline with one single script, this script can optimize your available resources. If you are on your local computer, there isn't much to change expect to define the number of allowed process in parallel such as executor.queueSize. If you have access to a cluster, you can define a scheduler, such as SGE or Slurm. Here is an example of such a script for our SGE cluster with Singularity:

profiles {
    knockoff {
        process.executor = 'sge' \\scheduler
        process.queue = 'c1normal' \\ cluster queue
        process.memory = '10GB'
        process.container = 'file://./env/container_img.sif' 
        process.containerOptions = '-B /data:/data' \\for mounting our external HD
        executor {
            queueSize = 500
            submitRateLimit = '10 sec'
        singularity {
            enabled = true
            envWhitelist = 'PYTHONPATH'

Possible environnement

To offer a couple of possibilities we have set up a Singularity and conda environnement. Nextflow can use either, it can use Singularity containers or it can create a conda environnement on the fly.


Install Singularity following the official installation guide. The nextflow.config file should be in the main folder and have Singularity enabled. As Singularity uses containers you will have to build the images before launching the pipeline: There are two containers, one for Python and the other one for R. To create the images you will have to run with sudo:

sudo make env/container_img.sif
sudo make env/container_R_img.sif


To use the Conda environnement on the fly, you will have to remove the Singularity option and add the Conda ones; for example:

profiles {
    knockoff {
        process.executor = 'sge' \\scheduler
        process.queue = 'c1normal' \\ cluster queue
        process.memory = '10GB'
        process.conda = '/path/to/main/folder/.../env/knockoff.yaml'
        executor {
            queueSize = 500
            submitRateLimit = '10 sec'

Final commands

Finally, to launch the pipeline on the simulated dataset:

make simulation-cluster

and to launch the pipeline on real data:

make real_data


You should find the outputs in the folder:

  • ./outputs/simulations_results for the simulation
  • ./outputs/real_data for the MNIST and TCGA-BRCA dataset.


Implementation of knockoff with MMD and HSIC







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